
About Ingwe Nairobi West Branch

We exist to assist in the growth and development of AFC Leopards Sports Club

Ingwe Nairobi West (INW) Branch is a group of like-minded people who have been brought together with the common love for AFC Leopards football club. Our common goal is to put our efforts together to ensure that the club achieves continued success and growth. INW is an official branch that is affiliated to the club, autonomous and recognized by the government as a society that supports sports.

Founded in 2011

109 members

Passionate, professional, democratic, inclusive

Join Ingwe Nairobi West

Sign up, pay, and join the club!

Membership Registration Form


Register at this link

Annual Membership Fees

New members: KES 2,000 for the first year

Existing members: KES 1,800 annually

Paybill 972900
Account 04040310003
Bank of Africa

We are an official branch of the most successful club in Kenya football, AFC Leopards.


Ingwe Nairobi West AFC Branch
